Wednesday, December 25, 2019

To What Extent Do Professor s Ariely s Ideas Help Us...

Business Assignment Part A. To what extent do Professor s Ariely s ideas help us evaluate the effectiveness of Jamie Oliver s management approach? Professor s Ariely s speech on the effects of management does, to a certain extent help us evaluate the effectiveness of Jamie Oliver s hands-on management approach. As a manager, Jamie Oliver would take a personal interest in his students; providing them with training, support (paying for their transport if necessary) and visiting their homes. This allowed Jamie to develop trust and respect with his students and in return, the students established a trust with him. If a manager is attentive and acknowledges their efforts, employees are more likely to uphold their motivation. One example that was presented by Professor Ariely demonstrated this idea that if people s endeavours are recognised, then they will work for longer. The experiment whereby people matched pairs of letters in three different conditions showed results that backed up this hypothesis. In the first condition, they wrote their name, completed the worksheet and showed it to the experimenter, who then scanned it and pu t it in the pile. The second condition, people did not write their name, completed the worksheet, gave it to the experimenter and without looking at it, placed it in the pile. The final condition, the experimenter simply put the completed worksheet in the shredder. In the first condition where the work was acknowledged-people worked forShow MoreRelatedTo What Extent Do Professor s Ariely s Ideas Help Us Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Jamie Oliver s Management Approach?1149 Words   |  5 PagesPart (A) To what extent do Professor’s Ariely’s ideas help us evaluate the effectiveness of Jamie Oliver’s management approach? Professor Dan Ariely helps us to understand certain qualities that makes a good manager. He believes that people need a manager that understands that they are motivated by things other than just money, for example reaching their goals, or the challenge that comes with their jobs. The manager needs to understand that the workers will perform better in their work if they

Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay On The Ballot Or The Bullet By Malcolm X - 750 Words

Yoshua Lasky Dr. Roethler History 1320: U.S. History from 1877 14 November 2017 The Leaders and their Influences on the Civil Rights Movement Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are notable activists during the civil rights movement in America. They were leaders highly credited by the public. They carried similar, and different views on how to take on oppression in America. â€Å"Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom† (1966) by Martin Luther King and â€Å"The Ballot or the Bullet† (1964) by Malcolm X had points were they agreed with one another, points of controversy were the did not see eye to eye, and points of disagreement about violence in the civil rights movement. Malcolm X and Dr. King shared concepts that something must be done about the†¦show more content†¦Montgomery, Albany, Birmingham and Selena have paved the way for untold progress.† (Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom p.g 3) Malcolm X and Dr. King faced disunity in violence during the civil rights movement. Dr. King encouraged peaceful protests, and does not see obligation in violence to get a point across. â€Å"What is ne eded is a strategy for change, a tactical program which will bring the Negro into the mainstream of American life as quickly as possible. So far, this has only been offered by the nonviolent movement.† (Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom p.g 3) Dr. King says that nobody should use self-defense if assualted during demonstration. That everyone should assume that there is a risk, and it would be contradicting to retaliate during a peaceful movement. â€Å"It is as ridiculous for a Negro to raise the question of self-defense in relation to nonviolence as it is for a soldier on the battlefield to say his is not going to take any risks. He is there because he believes that the freedom of his country is worth the risk of his life. The same is true of the nonviolent demonstrator. He sees the misery of his people so clearly that he volunteers to suffer in their behalf and put an end to their plight.† (Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom p.g 4) Malcolm’s attitude to v iolence is that anyone that is taking what belongs to you like your civil rights and freedom is a criminal. It is under your legal right to claim what isShow MoreRelatedThe Three Core Philosophies Of The Black Nationalism Movement1220 Words   |  5 PagesOn April 12, 1964 Malcolm X, born Malcom Little, delivered his famous Ballot or the Bullet speech before of crowd in Detroit, Michigan. The speech, was Malcom’s way of appealing to the black community to come to self-realization and uplift themselves. In his speech, the noted civil rights leader presents the three core philosophies of Black Nationalism: political, economic and social. 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However, the two possessed diametrically opposed political philosophies. King pursued social reform by following in the peaceful tradition set forth by Mahatma Gandhi (Dasa). Malcolm X, on the other hand, was not averse to using violence. During the African-American Civil Rights Movement that occurred between 1954-1968 in the United States, X and King delivered a number ofRead MoreThe Effectiveness of Martin Luther King Jr, as Opposed to Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Dubois and Malcom X2045 Words   |  9 Pagesfor the African American individual in attempt to gain civil equality. The pioneer civil rights leaders of the twentieth century were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois. Their respected ideas were known to have cont radicted with each other. Malcolm X, a black supremacist was a member of the NOI (Nation of Islam) and based his platforms of teachings off from religion. Martin Luther King Jr.’s approach towards gaining equality was of nonviolent actions. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Critical Review of Infant Artificial Language Learning free essay sample

They also give evidence which comes from experiments showing that newborns discriminate a passage read aloud by their mothers during the last six weeks of pregnancy from an unfamiliar one. Rebecca L. Gomez and Louann Gerken’s observation about this phenomenon is very helpful especially for those who are learning about the mystery of how children acquire their language and it is only how but also since when children especially infant acquire the language and it can be answered by Rebecca L. Gomez and Louann Gerken which stated that there’s a probability infants learn and acquire language since in the utero. Summary How children acquire language is one of the mysteries of human cognition. There is a view about thirty years ago states that children master language by means of a language-specific learning device but in earlier proposal states that children make use of domain-general, associative learning mechanisms. Language acquisition is one of the most complex learning tasks imaginable. The complexity of natural language makes it exceedingly difficult to isolate factors responsible for language learning. Infant language researchers have begun by examining four aspects of the language learner’s task. The first involves identification of word-like units in speech. The second involves encoding and remembering the order in which words occur in sentences. The third involves generalization of grammatical relations. The last involves learning at the more abstract level of syntactic categories (e. . determiner, adjective, noun and verb). This fourth sensitivity is at the root of our unique human ability to produce and comprehend novel utterances. First implication of the research on infant artificial language learning concerns artificial-language-learning studies discussed have examined infants’ sensitivity to linguistic form in the absence of semantic content. This is not to say that learners do not ultimately need to map the syntactic forms they encode durin g infancy onto meaning. Obviously they do. However, the fact is infants are able to acquire certain aspects of form prior to acquiring the meaning of these forms changes the nature of the language acquisition problem in a fundamental way. A second implication of the research on infant artificial language learning concerns the specificity of the constraints on the learner. On many accounts, these constraints have been construed as being language specific, such that for every aspect of language to be acquired, the child is born with a specific constraint. Data showing that infants can use transitional probabilities to segment grammatical tone sequences contrasts with this view. A third implication of both the infant artificial-language learning studies reviewed here and many studies of infant language perception preceding them concerns the relevance of children’s early utterances as evidence for theories of language acquisition. One of the key observations of linguistic natives involves errors that children do not make. Children never erroneously transform a statement like ‘The man who is tall is Sam’ into a question like ‘Is the man who tall is Sam? The lack of such errors, along with logical arguments concerning the poverty of the stimulus, have been taken as evidence that children never consider rules based solely on linear order in sentences. it is equally important to note that if the studies of infants’ early linguistic abilities tell us anything, it is that they have become sensitive to many asp ects of linguistic form a year or more before they ever begin to produce multiword speech. This is not to say that all of language is acquired by the age of 12 months. However, if infant language-perception studies have one theme, it is in demonstrating the extremely complex relationship between aspects of their native language infants. Thus, we must exercise caution in interpreting children’s early utterances as evidence for or against the linguistic representations they do and do not entertain. Critical Evaluation Infant Artificial Language Learning and Language Acquisition by Rebecca L. Gomez and Louann Gerken are based on the observation which they already held and also from the later observation from other experts. The main focus in this journal is about the artificial language of infant, here Rebecca L. Gomez and Louann Gerken made such a grammar for infant to determine whether infants could learn ‘grammatical’ word order, Gomez and Gerken exposed 12-month-olds to a subset of strings produced by one of two grammars. However, this journal focuses not only how children especially infant acquire language but also since when infant acquire the language itself. Rebecca L. Gomez and Louann Gerken also give evidences which make their observation stronger. The explanation given is also complete and simple. Conclusion Infant Artificial Language Learning and Language Acquisition by Rebecca L. Gomez and Louann Gerken is a journal that expose about infant artificial language. They explain how infant acquire language from their own observation and they also made a grammar special for infant in order to complete their observation but besides that, they also take some observation which also already been discovered. This journal is worthy to read especially for the linguists who try to reveal and find out one of the mysteries in human cognition which is how children acquire language.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

This Be The Verse By Philip Larkin Essays - Philip Larkin

This Be The Verse By Philip Larkin This Be the Verse by Philip Larkin They *censored* you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you. But they were *censored*ed up in their turn By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were sloppy-stern And half at one another's throats. Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, And don't have any kids yourself. Lately, I have read a good deal of poems by Philip Larkin, and one unifying factor that I have noticed is that Larkin never seems to use a filler. Every word in every one of his poems seems to be carefully crafted and placed, to the point where the flow and rhythm of the poem seem almost an accident. One poem I read that really stayed with me is the above poem, "This be the Verse." I will now show you how this poem, which at first glance seems to be written only to amuse, really has a much deeper meaning. I will examine the poem in several parts. First, I would like to examine the use of curse words in the poem, or why other words that would be considered more acceptable to the general public were not used. Then, I will discuss the three stanzas of the poem and what they were meant to do for the audience. Lastly, I will explore why Larkin would write such a poem, and what he was trying to get across to his audience by writing it. The second line in this poem contains the word "*censored*," a word that is usually not considered acceptable for the general public. Yet Larkin incorporates it almost immediately into his poem. I can think of four possible reasons why. Firstly, words such as *censored* quickly and easily grab the audiences attention. This is similar to yelling "sex" in a crowded marketplace, everyone wants to know what is being discussed. Also, words like *censored* prepare the audience for a humorous bit of poetry, and this perks the audience's attention, and lets them know off the bat that this will not be another long and boring verse. Secondly, words such as *censored* produce an atmosphere for adults, or mature people. One term that is used quite extensively lately is "adult language." This term branches off of the common idea that children should and would not use such words until they are older and have a more concrete knowledge of what they are really saying. Thus, by using a word such as *censored*, Larkin creates a poem that will most likely not be read to children. Also, such a poem would not be read at certain social gatherings (i.e. church meetings) where such words are considered unacceptable, further narrowing the audience for this poem. That brings me to my third point: that the people who read such a poem know, whether consciously or not, that they are in a distinct group, and that this poem was written for them. This allows Larkin to establish a closeness with his readers, now that they know that he is writing for them. This also implies to the reader that Larkin is one of them, that he knows the reader well, because he is in the same social class. To sum it up, by using a word considered to be socially incorrect, Larkin has managed to establish more credibility with the reader, which inherently forces the reader listen up, and pay attention to what Larkin has to say. Lately, "modern" art and poetry are showing more and more "unacceptable" words. This is because such words have become synonymous with "truth." In other words, the general public seems to feel that if an artist is using curse words, then he must be "telling it like it is." Thus, using such words helps Larkin's credibility as a man who has seen and will now tell. Larkin's poem is divided into three stanzas, each with it's own meaning and objectives. The first stanza is the introduction. As discussed above, the first stanza singles out a select group of people and builds Larkin's credibility with them. But beyond that, the first stanza also inspires several other feeling in the reader, just from the actual words it uses. The very first line, in fact, insults your own parents. Larkin did this in order to provoke a

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Problem analysis for a gym.

Problem analysis for a gym. SummaryThe Top Gym has the potential to excel in all categories of service. Between 11:00am and 1:00pm, however, the trainer on duty cannot serve the bar customers and spot the others members promptly enough. By implementing a few strategies, the trainers will be able to better the clients even during those busiest hours.- Hang posters encouraging teamwork and experienced ones to help newer ones.- Formally introduce newcomers to the regulars to foster partnerships.- Post a chart the members willing and able to provide spots.Table of ContentsIntroduction3Definition of problem3Issues3Potential Hazards and their effects on the business3The Importance of Timing4Suggestions5Conclusion6Appendix7IntroductionTop Gym and its management are proud to run the largest and best-equipped gym in Chateauguay. Employees assist and motivate clients in a professional and encouraging manner. New and long-time clients can agree that the trainers are well experienced and offer high quality advice and train ing for all levels of fitness.A community netball team trains during the week in...Another strength at Top Gym is the service at the bar. The trainers serve those customers efficiently while going back and forth to spot clients still exercising.Some clients have noticed, however, that the trainer on duty is having trouble balancing his duties between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. During these peek hours, clients crowd the gym therefore raising the demand for the one trainer available to the point where he cannot run the bar and spot the clients promptly enough. How could the clients be spotted and others served at the bar promptly enough during those hours without another trainer?Issues:Potential HazardsThe need for spots cannot be ignored. If clients are not spotted, they can injure themselves severely with the heavy bars and weights. Heavy lifters can even kill themselves if they fail...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Best Unsecured Credit Cards for People With Bad Credit

Best Unsecured Credit Cards for People With Bad Credit SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Having a poor credit score can feel like you’re caught in a catch-22. You need a credit card to improve your score, but it’s hard to get a credit card without a good score. Luckily, there are credits cards available for people with poor credit. Once you get one of these cards, you can use it to build your credit score over time. This guide will give you recommendations for the best credit cards for people with bad credit, along with some tips on how to apply. Click here to go straight to the credit card recommendations, or first, read on to learn what makes a bad credit score and why it matters. What Is Bad Credit? Credit scores range from 300 to 850. Your score is based on a number of factors, including your credit history, payment history, outstanding debt, and account inquiries from lenders, like credit card companies or banks. Defaulting on loans or closing a credit card that still has a balance on it are two actions that could seriously damage your credit score. You might also have a low score if you’re new to the world of credit and have never had a credit card before. Credit scores below 630 are considered to be very low. Scores between 630 and 700 are fair and between 700 and 800 are strong. Any scores above 800 are excellent. To find out your score, you simply need to set up a free account with Credit Karma. You can also request a comprehensive credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus, TransUnion, Equifax, or Experian. You can get one free report each year by requesting it from Any additional reports cost $9.95. Your credit score matters big time when you apply for any kind of credit card or loan. Why is it so important? Maybe we shouldn't call a credit score under 630 "bad." Rather, it's a work in progress! Why Does Your Credit Score Matter? Credit scores are a key factor when a credit card company or bank is evaluating your application for a credit card or loan. Lenders consider your past financial behavior to be an indication of your future behavior. They seek to reduce risk, so they only want to lend you money if they feel assured that you can eventually pay it back. The better your credit score is, the higher your credit line will be. You’ll also be eligible for more attractive credit cards that have low fees or rewards, like cash back or travel points. With a low credit score, your application for most travel rewards cards would be rejected outright. However, people will low scores can still qualify for certain credit cards and then use the card to build up their credit over time. With a low score, you may qualify for a secured or unsecured credit card. Lenders look at your credit score when deciding whether to give you a loan. They aren't big risk-takers. What Kind of Credit Card Can You Get With Bad Credit? Secured Vs. Unsecured If your credit score is the lowest of the low, then you’ll probably only be able to get what’s called a secured credit card. Secured credit cards require a deposit up front. Some of them act as prepaid debit cards. You load them up with a certain amount of money at the beginning of the month and then spend that money where the card is accepted. Secured credit cards have low limits and require up-front cash-loading or deposit. If you can qualify for a regular, unsecured card with bad credit, then you should skip this initial step of getting a secured card, unless you really need to set low, strict spending limits on yourself or can't afford an annual fee. Unsecured credit cards are just like any other credit card. They typically start with a line of credit of about $300 per month. As you build your credit over time, your monthly line of credit will increase. Unfortunately, you won’t get a credit card with the most appealing terms if you have poor credit. The unsecured cards recommended below have the best policies available and can help you build your credit into the fair or good zone. Read on for the top recommendations for the best unsecured credit cards for poor credit. Secured credit cards are useful if you need to set strict limits on your spending. 5 Best Unsecured Credit Cards for People with Bad Credit in 2016 The five cards recommended below are the best unsecured credit cards for people with bad credit available. Each card lets you fill out a quick and easy form online to see if you prequalify. The top five cards are the following: Credit One Bank Unsecured Visa* Indigo Platinum Mastercard Milestone Gold Mastercard Total VISA Unsecured Card Platinum One Credit Card (for average credit) *The Credit One Bank Visa stands out as the best overall unsecured credit card, because it gives you some rewards and may increase your line of credit after five months of on-time payments. The remaining credit cards for poor credit offer more or less equal benefits, so you should shop around to see where you prequalify. Let’s take a closer look at the terms of each unsecured credit card. Credit One Bank Unsecured Visa Credit Card The Credit One Visa is a rare card available to people with poor credit that gives rewards. With this card, you can earn 1% cash back on gas and groceries. The card has an annual fee of $0 to $75 the first year and $0 to $99 annually after that, depending on your credit score and income. You may be able to pay this fee back monthly, rather than as one lump sum at the end of the year. The card offers a monthly credit score tracking service so you can keep track of your progress toward a stronger credit score. It comes with a rather high variable interest rate of 15.65% to 24.15%, but the interest rate shouldn’t really matter. To build your credit and avoid debt, you should never carry a balance over on your credit card from one month to the next. Always pay off your full balance every month to avoid penalty and steep interest charges. A typical beginning line of credit for someone with a low credit score is $300. This might increase after five or more months of on-time payments. After five months of on-time payments, Credit One should increase your credit line. Pro tip: count your months by the Gregorian calendar, not the Mayan one. Indigo Platinum Mastercard The Indigo Platinum Mastercard is an increasingly popular card that’s available to people with a range of credit scores. Like the Credit One card, the Indigo card offers online account access and has an easy pre-qualification process online. A typical starting line of credit is $300, and the card has an annual fee of $0 to $99. The APR is fixed at 23.9%. Unlike the Credit One card, the Indigo card doesn’t offer any rewards back on your purchases. Milestone Gold Mastercard The Milestone Gold card similarly has a fixed APR of 23.9% and a typical starting line of credit of $300. The annual fee falls between $35 and $99. Total VISA Unsecured Credit Card The Total VISA has the highest APR of 29.99%. It has a fee of $75 for the first year and $48 annually after that. Like the other unsecured credit cards for low credit, the typical starting line of credit is $300. Capital One Platinum Card If your credit has started to climb out of the red zone and surpassed 600, then you might qualify for the Capital One Platinum card. This card is available for people with a credit score of 600 or higher. It has no annual fee, 24.99% APR, and fraud coverage. A typical starting credit limit falls between $200 and $500, and this can increase after five or so months of on time monthly payments. Now that you have a sense of the best unsecured credit cards, what do you do next? How do you apply for one of these cards? Even with bad credit, you have options for credit cards! How to Apply for an Unsecured Credit Card You can easily apply for a credit card online. First, head to the company’s website and go through its quick pre-qualification process. While this survey isn’t the be-all and end-all word on whether or not you qualify, it gives you an idea of your eligibility based on your income level. You’ll enter your personal information, including your salary and social security number. Going through this pre-qualification check, by the way, won’t hurt your credit score. Your credit score will only be affected when the company runs a hard check to see whether you officially qualify and you open an account. If you prequalify, then you’ll go through the full process of applying for the card. Only fill out a full application for one card, so as not to hurt your credit score. Once you apply and are approved, your card will be mailed out to you within one to two weeks. If your credit score and salary are too low, and you find yourself ineligible for any of the above cards, then you do have one more option - getting a secured credit card. Easy online pre-qualification forms give you a sense of whether or not you'll be approved a credit card. What If You Don’t Qualify? If you don’t qualify for an unsecured credit card with bad credit, then you should look into secured credit cards. As mentioned above, secured cards require a deposit up front, or they ask you to prepay and then spend the money that’s already loaded onto your card. While they’re a little different from other cards, secured credit cards will help you build credit until you’re able to get a regular, unsecured card. These are some of the best secured credit cards: Discover It Secured Card Capital One Secured Mastercard Secured Visa from Merrick Bank USAA Secured Card American Express If you want to set strict limits on your spending with a prepaid debit card, then look into the secured cards from Bluebird or American Express Serve. Once you get your credit card, how can you use it in the best way to build your credit? How to Use Your Credit Card and Build Credit Building and maintaining good credit isn’t about avoiding a credit card; it’s about using one well. Using a card well requires you to follow one rule of thumb: never carry a balance on your card from month to month. Don’t expect that you’ll have more to spend next month than you do this month. Only buy what you can pay off in cash immediately on the card, and make sure to pay off your full balance by each payment due date. As you read above, on-time payments will help you build credit, and your credit card company may offer you a bigger line of credit as time goes on. How can you be sure that you’re staying within your budget? This kind of awareness comes from developing a budget and keeping track of your daily and monthly spending. There are several apps, like YNAB and Mint, that are useful for helping you keep track and gain control of your personal finances. In closing, let’s go over the key points you should remember about the unsecured credit cards that are available to people with poor credit. Rome wasn't built in a day! With enough time and effort, you can build your credit score into the good or excellent range. Unsecured Credit Cards for Bad Credit - Final Thoughts If you have bad credit, you aren’t going to be eligible for a $10,000 line of credit and 2% cash back on all your purchases. However, you may become eligible eventually by first getting one of the secured or unsecured credit cards that are on offer to people with low credit card. Unsecured cards typically have an annual fee and start with a line of credit of around $300 a month. By making on-time payments month after month, you’ll see your credit score go up and may eventually qualify for a larger line of credit. If you don’t already, make sure to check your credit score and understand where it comes from. Then, you can come up with a plan to take control of your personal finances and build your credit score into the fair, good, or even excellent range. By shoring up your credit score with one of the best credit cards for bad credit, you’ll put yourself in a much better financial position for future credit card, loan, or mortgage applications. What’s Next? Is your credit score high enough that you could qualify for other credit cards? Check out this guide to find the best credit card for you based on your personal spending habits. Do you feel like your spending has gotten out of control? This guide will help you reign it back in with seven steps to taking control of your personal finances. Would you like to start saving money for a big purchase or perhaps a retirement account? This comprehensive list has 100 different ways for you to start saving money today.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Marketing plan - Essay Example The strength of this product is that it is waterproof, has a display styled with dots, it is waterproof and comes in a variety of colours. Other strengths include the capability to mute cell phone calls and vibration alerts. The weakness is that it is only compatible with Android smart phones using the Android 4.4 software and above. The wristband also operates only with Bluetooth 4.4 and above only (Mcdannald, 2015). According to market researchers, the competitions strengths is that almost all wearable devices emanate from the same idea. Hence, customers are only easily swayed by the brand name. The weakness of the competition is its inability to work with other software like IOS or older versions of the software it is compatible with. This has a big impact on the sale of the wristband (Boxall, 2014). According to market analysts, the Sony wristband has lived up to 75% of its real ability. Thus the market sale trends and forecasts are doing well. A price history of the product on amazon shows the fluctuations it has gone through from $77 to $49. Perhaps, it is an indication of the demand pattern for the product, which has affected the pricing. However, in spite of the volatile nature of wearable technology, the forecast remains strong as the field is still green with opportunities for better products (Trew,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Improving the Performance of a Team Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Improving the Performance of a Team - Assignment Example Technical factors include understanding the mission, spelling out goals, and developing activities critical to success of the goal. To improve the functioning of a particular team, these factors have to be addressed. The following steps go towards improving the performance of a team. A project team is subject to group dynamics because of an assembly of individuals with diverse talents and commitments. The most common problems faced by work teams arise from: Different points of view, role conflicts, implicit power struggles, and groupthink which compromises decisions in favour of unanimity. (Nurick, 2001) There are many other problems that may arise due to behavioural and skill factors. Performance measures need to be devised taking both performance factors and process factors into account. The performance measures would measure the performance/outcome factors which may be: Team cohesion; Improvement orientation like creativity, forward thinking, proactivity; and Team achievements. Team process factors, which also affect the performance of a team includes factors such as: Team relationships, team focus, approach to performance, leadership style, team discipline, team decision making, team confidence, value of contributions, decision focus, social contact, process focus, and lastly, consistency. Team performance is also related to attractiveness of performance, agreement with team goals, team goal level, and willingness to use cross-training, perceived participation, team efficacy, and team commitment. Some factors which also need to be measured are: 1. Team member dispositions - Studies have indicated that employees' need for achievement, need for affiliation, aggressiveness towards other people and the value placed on autonomy affect the team in a lot of ways. 2. Team process skills - process skills include skills like communication, leadership, goal setting, problem solving, and conflict resolution skills. 3. Employee perceptions about the team - This includes perceptions about team efficacy, and perceived participation. 4. Goals and goal commitments - this includes factors like team goal level, goal commitment, agreement with team goal, and performance expectations. 5. Attractiveness of performance and self efficacy. (Scott and Townsend, 1994) Measures that take the above factors into account can help assess how the team would fare in a task and what is to be done to improve its performance. Step 2: Making the Team and Planning Work Activities The second step to enhancing team performance involves the selection and training of the team and planning the work activities for the team. Selection: To ensure team effectiveness one criterion for selection of members of a team is interpersonal skills. Other criteria would include the member disposition, member skill sets, commitment to goals, and other such factors. This can be done by using the performance measures devised in the first step. Training: The next step would involve training the team in product knowledge, time management; interpersonal skills like listening, assertiveness, and conflict management skills; creativity; meeting deadlines; energy and determination; reporting and administration; personal appearance and image; steadiness under pressure, and such other factors. In addition to receiving training in skills they should be empowered to use

Sunday, November 17, 2019

In the Time of the Butterflies Essay Example for Free

In the Time of the Butterflies Essay Courage is valued among the characters, and they display it in varying amounts. Among all the sisters Minerva shows the most courage. First she starts off by wanting to be a lawyer and she is not afraid of speaking her mind. She goes to a boarding school where she meets a girl who is against Trujillo and learns how bad Trujillo really is. This is when she begins to start acting rebellious. Once she is older, Minerva’s family is invited to a party at Trujillo’s palace where she does things that most people would never even dare to think of doing. Minerva plays a game with Trujillo which she wins and gets her father released from arrest and gets her into law school. In law school, she joins a group that is speaking out against Trujillo. A lot of courage is needed to complete the tasks that Minerva completed and with these tasks she developed a love-hate relationship with Trujillo making some of the tasks easier to complete. In the end three out of the four sister have a lot courage and become a symbol for many people. The three sisters are killed, but by who they were killed is very controversial. The sisters are all aware of their cowardice as they perceive it, and while they sometimes fight for courage, in some cases they simply accept their cowardice, except for Minerva who shows courage at all times. Growing up Minerva was almost the bravest out of all the sisters. She was not afraid to speak her mind, even if they might be spies around. She would say things about Trujillo that would make everyone jump and ask if she was trying to get everyone killed. She always wanted to be free and make a difference in the world. Government and politics were not a place for women. A woman’s place was to follow her husband and be loyal to her husband. Minerva, on the other hand, wanted to be a lawyer. In reply, her mother comments, â€Å" Just what we need, skirts in the law! † Minerva argues, however, â€Å"It is just what this country needs It’s about time we women had a voice in running our country. † Her sisters had always worried about Minerva and her bravery because politics were dirty business and someone was always getting killed because they said the wrong thing and made Trujillo unhappy. Minerva did not care about the risks about being a woman in politics, she cared about equality and making a difference in the Dominican Republic. She thought she would get some freedom if she left home and went to a boarding school and that’s exactly what she did. In the boarding school, Minerva met a girl whose family was killed by Trujillo and she absolutely hated him for that. This girl told Minerva about all the terrible things that Trujillo has done and this is when Minerva starts learning more about Trujillo. This is also when you start seeing Minerva start becoming rebellious. This is shown when there is a class going on, but Minerva is not there instead she is on a balcony above the class talking to the girl who told her about Trujillo. This boarding school is also where she meets Trujillo for the first time and also shows bravery here. The school is performing a play for Trujillo when Minerva’s friend lifts her arrow and points it at Trujillo. Minerva risks herself to stop her friend from shooting the arrow. It was a small act of courage, but its the small acts that lead to the greater ones. Once Minerva graduates from boarding school and returns home, shortly after the family receives a party invitation from Trujillo. Once inside the castle, Minerva gets seated at a special table which was a request from Trujillo and once Trujillo arrives in the ballroom where the party is being held, he asks Minerva to dance. While dancing, Trujillo tells her how he never forgot her from the boarding school and how he thinks that she is very beautiful. Trujillo slowly moves his hands down her back and onto her buttocks and that is when she backs up and slaps him. No one would ever dare slap Trujillo, even after an act like this. This is a great act of disgrace and Minerva was very brave for standing her ground and slapping him. Everyone looked down on her with shock for what she did and her family was very mad and panicked and left immediately. Her family was very mad because slapping Trujillo could get the whole family killed because that was an act of rebellion. Minerva explains to her family that she did not slap him as a sign of rebellion, but because he touched her buttocks making her very uncomfortable. The family then was not as mad, but they were still very worried to what was going to happen to them. At this point of the movie, Minerva is still the one with the most courage while the rest of the family is accepting their cowardice. It took a lot of courage for Minerva to slap Trujillo in such a public place and at his own party. She knew there would be consequences to this, but she was still not afraid. Soon after the party soldiers came to the Mirabel household looking for the father. They said they were taking him in for quest oning, but everyone knew that he was being arrested and they did not know when they would see him again. Once the soldiers left, Minerva smashed the picture of Trujillo that was hung in their house because of her anger. This is another act of courage because if there are spies around they can come in and take Minerva away and kill her for doing that. ANother act of courage is when Minerva goes to the castle of Trujillo to talk to him about releasing her f ather. Trujillo came up with a game that they would play. They had to roll dice and who ever got the higher number won. The deal they made was if he won her father would not be released, but if she won the father would be released and she would be allowed to go to law school. Women were not allowed to go to law school in the Dominican Republic, so asking Trujillo to let her attend was another act of courage. Minerva ended up winning and Trujillo break the deal that he made with Minerva. The father was released and Minerva soon left to law school. At this point of the movie, Minerva’s sister began to show courage too. In law school, Minerva joins a group that goes against Trujillo and comes up with different plans and ideas to rebel against him, for example hanging up posters around town. One day one of Minerva’s sisters runs away from home and comes to Minerva. This is brave because women were needed at home and it was dangerous for them to travel by themselves. Also leaving home with not telling anyone would leave the parents worrying about their daughter. Minerva tells her sister to go home because it’s a bad time and not a place for her sister to be, trying to protect her. Leaving her sister met a guy who was part of the rebellious group and he got her to be in it as well. Now this is sister is being brave because now she is going against Trujillo as well putting the family in even more danger. Soon the third sister is also in the group and the three sisters become the leaders of this group. They become known as, â€Å"Las Mariposas. † The group is soon caught and everyone in it is arrested. When the sisters look out a small hole in the wall, they see a flag with butterflies on it, representing them and this gives them more hope. Soon the sisters are released from jail by Trujillo. When Minerva arrives at home, Trujillo is there waiting for her. He tells her that she has a lot of courage because everytime he does something nice for her because he likes her, she instead turns her back and does something back and is not afraid to pay the consequences. She then asks Trujillo to release hers and her sisters husbands from jail and Trujillo says he will. The sisters go visit their husbands and give them the good news, but on the way there they get stopped by soldiers. They get taken out of the car and into the cornfields where hey get slaughtered. This ending is very controversial because it was a group of men that killed them, but after all their courage and everything they did for the country, who would want to harm them? Also could have Trujillo ordered their death even if he loved Minerva and did everything she asked for? This part of the story may never be known. The movie begins with only Minerva being the brave one, but ends with three out of four sisters being the brave ones and fighting for what they believed was right. The sisters stopped accepting their cowardice and displayed their courage. As she was being marched down the hall, a voice from one of the cells called out,Mariposa does not belong to herself alone. She belongs to Quisqueya! Then everyone was beating on the bars calling out, Viva La Mariposa! Tears came to my eyes. Something big and powerful spread its wings inside me. Courage, I told myself. And this time, I felt it. † This is a quote from the movie and book that shows that although Minerva has been courageous the whole time, she did not feel it until she was leaving the jail. Everything that Minerva did in her lifetime, built her courage up and made her stronger each time.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

My Mom Committed Suicide Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

My Mom Committed Suicide For the longest time it never occurred to me that I actually did have a mother. The facts I had just weren't enough, I needed more evidence. t is the same thing every year. I find myself guilted into another mother-daughter banquet by my grandmother. As soon as I enter the room she senses my presence and immediately starts parading me around. She drags me from table to table trying to show me off as if I am some door prize she has just won. The dialogue is more or less the same. "Y'all, I would like you meet my granddaughter Julie." Under my breath I correct her, "My name isn't Julie," while still keeping that fake smile on my face that I mastered years ago. She politely restates her introduction: "This is my granddaughter Jobi, Julie's daughter, my middle child. Julie passed away a few years ago." It is at this moment that all noise drowns out and the only words I hear are those spoken through body language and facial expressions: "Oh you poor thing, how tragic." It is also at this moment I feel like running towards the glow of the nearest EXIT sign to escape all the looks of sympathy that make me feel as though my mother died right before I arrived rather than fourteen years ago. I cannot even pretend to know the bond and relationship that these women are celebrating and feel I need to excuse myself for intruding on their special moment. I do appreciate the concern, but the apologies just aren't necessary. I was so young when she passed away that I really don't remember her. This made it hard to relate to my Dad and my brother who were in fact deeply affected by this awful event, and when they talk about her it makes me feel extremely odd. They talk about their memories and the way she was and I ha... ...ords how odd it was to watch me interact with my own mother, a person I don't even know. It is a fact that that moment actually took place, but it is still so unreal to me because I just can't remember. I can't remember anything. And I resent myself for that. They say everyone has a destiny and that your life is planned before it even starts, but I would like to know what it was about me that made me destined for this. I do find peace in the belief that everything happens for a reason and God won't give you more than you can handle at one time. I also take comfort in the belief of a "Heaven" where one day I may get answers to all of my questions and then some. Until that day I will just have to continue day dreaming and dealing with my emotions because no matter how angry I get or how loud I scream, I know that there is no one to answer me. At least not now, anyway.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Teen Pregnancy Issues in America

Although the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States has declined greatly within the past few years, it is still an enormous problem that needs to be addressed. These rates are still higher in the 1990's than they were only a decade ago. The United State's teenage birthrate exceeds that of most other industrialized nations, even though American teenagers are no more sexually active than teenagers are in Canada or Europe. Recent statistics concerning the teen birthrates are alarming. About 560,000 teenage girls give birth each year. Almost one-sixth of all births in the United States are to eenage women are to teenage women. Eight in ten of these births resulted from unintended pregnancies. (Gormly 347) By the age of eighteen, one out of four teenage girls will have become pregnant. (Newman 679) Although the onset of pregnancy may occur in any teenager, some teens are at higher risk for unplanned pregnancy than others. Teenagers who become sexually active at an earlier age are at a greater risk primarily because young teenagers are less likely to use birthcontrol. African-American and Hispanic teenagers are twice as likely to give birth as are white teenagers. Whites are more likely to have abortions. Teenagers who come from poor neighborhoods and attend segregated schools are at a high risk for pregnancy. Also, teenagers who are doing poorly in school and have few plans for the future are more likely to become parents than those who are doing well and have high educationsl and occupational expectations. Although the rate of teenage pregnancy is higher among low- income African-Americans and Hispanics, especially those in inner city ghettoes, the number of births to teenagers is highest among white, nonpoor young women who live in mall cities and towns. (Calhoun 309) In addition to the question of which teenagers become pregnant, interest is shown in the social consequences of early parenthood. Adolescent parents (mostly mothers) may find that they have a â€Å"lost or limited opportunity for education. (Johnson 4) The higher a woman's level of education, the more likely she is to postpone marriage and childbearing. Adolescents with little schooling are often twice as likely as those with more education to have a baby bafore their twentieth birthday. Some 58% of young women in he United States who receive less than a high school education give birth by the time they are twenty years old, compared with 13% of young women who complete at least twelve years of schooling. (Tunick 11) Teens who become pregnant during high school are more likely to drop out. Calhoun 310) A teen mother leaves school because she cannot manage the task of caring for a baby and studying, and a teen father usually chooses a job over school so that he can pay bills and provide for his child. (Johnson 4) Teen mothers usually have fewer resources than older mothers because they have had less time to gather avings or build up their â€Å"productivity† through work experience, education, or training. (Planned Parenthood 1) Because of this, teen mothers are generally poor and are dependent on government support. Newman 679) The welfare system is usually the only support a teen parent will receive. Welfare benefits are higher for families with absent fathers or dependent children. (Calhoun 309) In some cases, teen mothers may also receive help like Medicaid, Food Stamps, and â€Å"Aid to Families with Dependent Besides educational and financial problems, teenage mothers may face a great deal f emotional strain and may become very stressed. Teen mothers may have limited social contacts and friendships because they do not have time for anything other than their baby. Lack of a social life and time for herself may cause the teenage mother to become depressed or have severe mental anxiety. (Johnson 5) Depression may become worse for a teenage mother because she usually does not know much about child development or about how to care for their children. Children who are born to teenage mothers usually suffer from poor parenting. (Berk 188) Also, children of teenage parents start being exually active before their peers and they are more likely to become teenage parents themselves. These children may also suffer from financial difficulties similar to that of their parents. Children whose mothers are age seventeen or younger are three times as likely as their peers to be poor, and are likely to stay poor for a longer period of time. † (Calhoun 311) The children born to teenage mothers sometimes score lower on development tests than the children of older mothers. It seems that â€Å"rather than declining over time, educational deficits increase in severity and the children show lower academic chievement, higher drop out rates, and are more likely to be held back in school. † Teenage pregnancy comes with not only a child, but also many consequences. Teen mothers face greater health risks than older mothers, such as anemia, pregnancy induced hypertension, toxemia, premature delivery, cervical trauma, and even death. Many of these health risks are due to inadequate prenatal care and support, rather than physical immaturity. The teenage mother is more likely to be undernourished and suffer premature and prolonged labor. (Calhoun 311) The death rate from pregnancy omplications are much higher among girls who give birth under age fifteen. (Gormly 347) Poor eating habits, smoking, alcohol and drugs increase the risk of having a baby with health problems. Johnson 3) The younger the teenage mother is, the higher the chances are that she and her baby will have health problems. This is mainly due to late prenatal care (if any) and poor nutrition. (Planned Parenthood 1) An adolescent mother and her baby may not get enough nutrients and, because the mother's body is not fully mature, she may have many complications throughout the duration of the pregnancy. Along with the mother, the children of teenage parents too often become part of a cycle of poor health, school failure, and poverty. Infants born to teenage mothers are at a high risk of prematurity, fragile health, the need for intensive care, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and mental retardation. (Johnson 5) Low birth weight is the most immediate health problem. Babies born to teenagers are often born too small, too soon. Low birthweight babies may have immature organ systems (brain, lungs, and heart), difficulty controlling body temperature and blood sugar levels, and a risk of dying in early infancy that is much igher than that of normal weight babies (five and one-half pounds or more). Calhoun 310) â€Å"The death rate for babies whose mothers are under fifteen years of age is double that of babies whose mothers are twenty to thirty years old. † (Johnson 5) Because of these extremely serious problems, many government, as well as local, organizations are fighting to stop the occurence of teenage pregnancy by helping to educate children of the risks involved and the consequences after. Some research indicates that â€Å"the percentage of teenage birthrates has declined simply because fewer eenagers are having sexual intercourse and more adolescents are using contraceptives. Researchers say that the recent trends in sexual activity and contraceptive use are the result of a number of factors, including greater emphasis on abstinence, more conservative attitudes about sex, fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, the popularity of long-lasting birthcontrol methods such as the contraceptive implant (Norplant) and the injectable (Depo-Provera), and even because of the economy. In addition, researchers say that young people have become somewhat more conservative in their views about casual ex and out-of-wedlock childbearing. Some attribute this change in attitude mainly to concern about sexually transmitted diseases. Others say that it is because of the involvement of conservative religious groups in the public debate over sexual behavior. Many researchers believe that the strong economy and the increasing availability of jobs at minimum wage have contributed to fewer births among teenagers. (Donovan 32) Americans, however, seem to be against some of the methods used by these various organizations to reduce the teen pregnancy rates. The most controversial aspect of adolescent pregnancy prevention is the growing movement to provide teenagers with easy access to contraceptives. † Most Americans believe that giving teenagers birthcontrol pills and/or condoms is the same as telling them that early sex is allowed. Some studies that were conducted in Europe show that some clinics in Europe that distribute contraceptives to teenagers have the same sexual activity rate as in the United States. However, in these European studies, it is apparent that teen pregnancy, childbirth, and abortion rates are Teenage pregnancy does cause many problems for the mother, child, and economy. There are, however, some incidences where the mother overcomes this down-hill trend and makes a successful life for her and her child. The outcome of teenage pregnancy turns out better if the mother goes back to school after she has given birth. (Berk 190) Staying in school may help to prevent teenage mothers from having a second pregnancy. (Planned Parenthood 2) The outcome is also better if the mother continues to live with her parents so that they can help to raise the child. Young, teen mothers need health care for themselves as well as their children. An adolescent mother also needs a great deal of encouragement to get her to remain in school. Single teenage mothers also need job training so that they can get a good job to support themselves and their children. Teen mothers need to be taught parenting and life-management skills and also need high quality and affordable daycare for their children. Schools that provide daycare centers on campus reduce the incidence of teenagers dropping out of school. These school programs also ecrease the likelihood that the teen mother will have more children. Because the government has begun to take action in preventing teen pregnancies, the rate has continued to decline. The large numbers of young people in America–as well as the values, health, education, skills they gain–will greatly affect the future of society. Therefore, increased attention should be given to the well-being of adolescents. Since greater care is being given to the young people, improvements are already occuring. The level of education that young people receive is much higher than that of their parents, and he â€Å"expectation that young people should obtain at least some secondary schooling† is growing. The numbers of women who have a child during their teen years is declining, and recognizing the impact of childbearing on education, parents and communities are continuing to discourage sexual activity, marriage, and motherhood at a young age. (Tunick 13) These recent trends, if continued, will more than likely educate the adolescent population about the risks and consequences of teenage pregnancy and reduce the incicence of teen pregnancy and childbirth altogether. Teen Pregnancy Issues in America Although the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States has declined greatly within the past few years, it is still an enormous problem that needs to be addressed. These rates are still higher in the 1990's than they were only a decade ago. The United State's teenage birthrate exceeds that of most other industrialized nations, even though American teenagers are no more sexually active than teenagers are in Canada or Europe. Recent statistics concerning the teen birthrates are alarming. About 560,000 teenage girls give birth each year. Almost one-sixth of all births in the United States are to eenage women are to teenage women. Eight in ten of these births resulted from unintended pregnancies. (Gormly 347) By the age of eighteen, one out of four teenage girls will have become pregnant. (Newman 679) Although the onset of pregnancy may occur in any teenager, some teens are at higher risk for unplanned pregnancy than others. Teenagers who become sexually active at an earlier age are at a greater risk primarily because young teenagers are less likely to use birthcontrol. African-American and Hispanic teenagers are twice as likely to give birth as are white teenagers. Whites are more likely to have abortions. Teenagers who come from poor neighborhoods and attend segregated schools are at a high risk for pregnancy. Also, teenagers who are doing poorly in school and have few plans for the future are more likely to become parents than those who are doing well and have high educationsl and occupational expectations. Although the rate of teenage pregnancy is higher among low- income African-Americans and Hispanics, especially those in inner city ghettoes, the number of births to teenagers is highest among white, nonpoor young women who live in mall cities and towns. (Calhoun 309) In addition to the question of which teenagers become pregnant, interest is shown in the social consequences of early parenthood. Adolescent parents (mostly mothers) may find that they have a â€Å"lost or limited opportunity for education. (Johnson 4) The higher a woman's level of education, the more likely she is to postpone marriage and childbearing. Adolescents with little schooling are often twice as likely as those with more education to have a baby bafore their twentieth birthday. Some 58% of young women in he United States who receive less than a high school education give birth by the time they are twenty years old, compared with 13% of young women who complete at least twelve years of schooling. (Tunick 11) Teens who become pregnant during high school are more likely to drop out. Calhoun 310) A teen mother leaves school because she cannot manage the task of caring for a baby and studying, and a teen father usually chooses a job over school so that he can pay bills and provide for his child. (Johnson 4) Teen mothers usually have fewer resources than older mothers because they have had less time to gather avings or build up their â€Å"productivity† through work experience, education, or training. (Planned Parenthood 1) Because of this, teen mothers are generally poor and are dependent on government support. Newman 679) The welfare system is usually the only support a teen parent will receive. Welfare benefits are higher for families with absent fathers or dependent children. (Calhoun 309) In some cases, teen mothers may also receive help like Medicaid, Food Stamps, and â€Å"Aid to Families with Dependent Besides educational and financial problems, teenage mothers may face a great deal f emotional strain and may become very stressed. Teen mothers may have limited social contacts and friendships because they do not have time for anything other than their baby. Lack of a social life and time for herself may cause the teenage mother to become depressed or have severe mental anxiety. (Johnson 5) Depression may become worse for a teenage mother because she usually does not know much about child development or about how to care for their children. Children who are born to teenage mothers usually suffer from poor parenting. (Berk 188) Also, children of teenage parents start being exually active before their peers and they are more likely to become teenage parents themselves. These children may also suffer from financial difficulties similar to that of their parents. Children whose mothers are age seventeen or younger are three times as likely as their peers to be poor, and are likely to stay poor for a longer period of time. † (Calhoun 311) The children born to teenage mothers sometimes score lower on development tests than the children of older mothers. It seems that â€Å"rather than declining over time, educational deficits increase in severity and the children show lower academic chievement, higher drop out rates, and are more likely to be held back in school. † Teenage pregnancy comes with not only a child, but also many consequences. Teen mothers face greater health risks than older mothers, such as anemia, pregnancy induced hypertension, toxemia, premature delivery, cervical trauma, and even death. Many of these health risks are due to inadequate prenatal care and support, rather than physical immaturity. The teenage mother is more likely to be undernourished and suffer premature and prolonged labor. (Calhoun 311) The death rate from pregnancy omplications are much higher among girls who give birth under age fifteen. (Gormly 347) Poor eating habits, smoking, alcohol and drugs increase the risk of having a baby with health problems. Johnson 3) The younger the teenage mother is, the higher the chances are that she and her baby will have health problems. This is mainly due to late prenatal care (if any) and poor nutrition. (Planned Parenthood 1) An adolescent mother and her baby may not get enough nutrients and, because the mother's body is not fully mature, she may have many complications throughout the duration of the pregnancy. Along with the mother, the children of teenage parents too often become part of a cycle of poor health, school failure, and poverty. Infants born to teenage mothers are at a high risk of prematurity, fragile health, the need for intensive care, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and mental retardation. (Johnson 5) Low birth weight is the most immediate health problem. Babies born to teenagers are often born too small, too soon. Low birthweight babies may have immature organ systems (brain, lungs, and heart), difficulty controlling body temperature and blood sugar levels, and a risk of dying in early infancy that is much igher than that of normal weight babies (five and one-half pounds or more). Calhoun 310) â€Å"The death rate for babies whose mothers are under fifteen years of age is double that of babies whose mothers are twenty to thirty years old. † (Johnson 5) Because of these extremely serious problems, many government, as well as local, organizations are fighting to stop the occurence of teenage pregnancy by helping to educate children of the risks involved and the consequences after. Some research indicates that â€Å"the percentage of teenage birthrates has declined simply because fewer eenagers are having sexual intercourse and more adolescents are using contraceptives. Researchers say that the recent trends in sexual activity and contraceptive use are the result of a number of factors, including greater emphasis on abstinence, more conservative attitudes about sex, fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, the popularity of long-lasting birthcontrol methods such as the contraceptive implant (Norplant) and the injectable (Depo-Provera), and even because of the economy. In addition, researchers say that young people have become somewhat more conservative in their views about casual ex and out-of-wedlock childbearing. Some attribute this change in attitude mainly to concern about sexually transmitted diseases. Others say that it is because of the involvement of conservative religious groups in the public debate over sexual behavior. Many researchers believe that the strong economy and the increasing availability of jobs at minimum wage have contributed to fewer births among teenagers. (Donovan 32) Americans, however, seem to be against some of the methods used by these various organizations to reduce the teen pregnancy rates. The most controversial aspect of adolescent pregnancy prevention is the growing movement to provide teenagers with easy access to contraceptives. † Most Americans believe that giving teenagers birthcontrol pills and/or condoms is the same as telling them that early sex is allowed. Some studies that were conducted in Europe show that some clinics in Europe that distribute contraceptives to teenagers have the same sexual activity rate as in the United States. However, in these European studies, it is apparent that teen pregnancy, childbirth, and abortion rates are Teenage pregnancy does cause many problems for the mother, child, and economy. There are, however, some incidences where the mother overcomes this down-hill trend and makes a successful life for her and her child. The outcome of teenage pregnancy turns out better if the mother goes back to school after she has given birth. (Berk 190) Staying in school may help to prevent teenage mothers from having a second pregnancy. (Planned Parenthood 2) The outcome is also better if the mother continues to live with her parents so that they can help to raise the child. Young, teen mothers need health care for themselves as well as their children. An adolescent mother also needs a great deal of encouragement to get her to remain in school. Single teenage mothers also need job training so that they can get a good job to support themselves and their children. Teen mothers need to be taught parenting and life-management skills and also need high quality and affordable daycare for their children. Schools that provide daycare centers on campus reduce the incidence of teenagers dropping out of school. These school programs also ecrease the likelihood that the teen mother will have more children. Because the government has begun to take action in preventing teen pregnancies, the rate has continued to decline. The large numbers of young people in America–as well as the values, health, education, skills they gain–will greatly affect the future of society. Therefore, increased attention should be given to the well-being of adolescents. Since greater care is being given to the young people, improvements are already occuring. The level of education that young people receive is much higher than that of their parents, and he â€Å"expectation that young people should obtain at least some secondary schooling† is growing. The numbers of women who have a child during their teen years is declining, and recognizing the impact of childbearing on education, parents and communities are continuing to discourage sexual activity, marriage, and motherhood at a young age. (Tunick 13) These recent trends, if continued, will more than likely educate the adolescent population about the risks and consequences of teenage pregnancy and reduce the incicence of teen pregnancy and childbirth altogether.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Act II of Titus Andronicus Essay

In contemporary prose, but creating a voice and style which is suitable for the character write a dramatic monologue in the style of Aaron reflecting on the motivation for his actions at one point in Act II of Titus Andronicus. Act 2.3 Line 1 (page 114) Enter Aaron alone Hiding a bag of gold is not an act of absurdity; it is an act of retribution that I, Aaron have kindly donated to the spiteful Andronicus. The smell of sweet vengeance under my black second class citizen nose travels up through my right nostril and straight into my wisdom. My wisdom constantly conquering the smell of seduction that passes via the left nostril. Aaron’s mind trapped into achieving revenge. Whatever happens after this bag of gold vanishes, I promise to thee beautiful Tamora I am a man of my word. However a word may not be possibly used to characterize me. Rome’s beloved ornament metamorphosed into the Goths rape hole. The hole in which many men fall into. The day of doom is soon to commence, blood will emerge from these holes. Many years of untouched love will soon experience forced pleasure. Once this deed is done, the empress of my soul will have to be dealt with, the same way ornament of Rome’s chastity will be branded. Aaron digs up a hole and hides the bag of gold The wilderness surroundings are perfect this morning, hardly a bird in sight, the cold wind brushing green leaves past the buried treasure, covering its abused soil. Aaron takes a seat on a shallow tree stump The letter is ready to be sent; the tongue will soon be dealt with. Oh the way these dark tree’s would look more attractive with a hint of Andronicus blood splattered around it, Titus himself has slain his children so I may aswell join him! What sociopath slays there own children? Off with their heads! Here’s to villainy, and here’s to headless Rome. Oh if only headless Rome had Aarons charming eyes there would be no problem! Aaron mounts a big boulder, arises high After this day of doom commences, my lightning will have struck down Bassianus. One step closer to clutch my empress by her waist, her tender soft skin grasping onto my cold rough arms, many years of passionate love, yet so many years left to discover the wilderness of her body, the holes to drill by and the power to enforce to the people of Rome. My avidity towards my very own newborn, to cherish and love. A child to follow Aaron’s footsteps, a child whom will shine in pearl and gold. A child that will also put shame to the name of Andronicus. Alas! The smell of seduction overwhelming me through these thoughts going on through my mind. Time is ticking, vengeance is my priority. Aaron shall go and continue observing ensuring this lightning will strike Bassianus without any witnesses to sabotage this genius plan. Halt. Who continues to approach the great Aaron and interfere with his master plans? Enter Tamora alone with Aaron (466 words) The commentary: Within the first few sentences of the monologue I have used an extended metaphor. â€Å"Constantly conquering the smell of seduction that passes via the left nostril,† this is showing what Aaron is mainly focusing on throughout this monologue. The seduction being Tamora which is clashing with his drive to vengeance, â€Å"The smell of sweet vengeance.† I have used this metaphor to recreate what happens in act 2.3 when Tamora tries to seduce Aaron when she enters, which is showing how driven Aaron is to vengeance. I have put this monologue in before Tamora actually walks in to foreshadow the state of mind of Aaron, this is further backed up by â€Å"smell of seduction overwhelming me† and â€Å"Time is ticking, vengeance is my priority.† The repetition I have used here is used to enforce Aaron’s drive to vengeance. Shakespeare has used alliteration of ‘h’ to enforce Aaron’s drive to vengeance in act 2.3, â€Å"Blood and revenge are hammering in my head† this is what provoked me to repeat the idea of vengeance and seduction in the structure of my monologue; it reflects what Aaron is trying to conquer. I have repeated the word â€Å"hole† throughout this monologue because I realised a lot of the main events that occurred during Act 2.3 revolved around the idea of a hole/pit/ditch; â€Å"Metamorphosed into the Goths rape hole. The hole in which many men fall into.† Bassianus is found dead in a pit followed by Quintus and Martius who also fall into this â€Å"unhallowed and bloodstained hole.† Lavinia also having her ‘hole’ violated by force. The constant reference to a hole represents a mark of death; â€Å"blood-drinking pit.† It also can refer to the two fertile holes in this act which is both shown, the rape of lavinia and the seduction from Tamora. â€Å"Blood will emerge from these holes† this quote continues to symbolise the inevitable rape and death events due to take place soon in the act. â€Å"Hiding a bag of gold is not an act of absurdity; it is an act of retribution† by using this quote this is showing that Aaron is seeking retribution. I used the word ‘retribution’ due to Aaron’s stature in 1593 where Titus Andronicus was set; throughout the play he is referred to â€Å"Moor† and looked as a â€Å"devil† due to his â€Å"hue.† â€Å"Ay, like a black dog as the saying is† â€Å"Aaron will have his soul black like his face† here he is embracing what has been forced upon him. He has referred himself to a ‘black dog’ it’s almost as if he is doing these heinous deeds to fit his stereotypes. Shakespeare has referred black people to animals; ‘a toad.’ Throughout the book Aaron gets agony over the coulor of his skin. This can explain the motivation of his evil, as he has been treated like a second class citizen for far too long; he has been a victim of society. This is why this â€Å"bag of gold† is going to help him redeem retribution; the bag of gold is also referred to â€Å"buried treasure† which shows this bag has meaning, the stage direction of him burying in a hole shows this as well. In the start of act 2.3 he orders Tamora around, â€Å"Now question me no more; we are espied† from analysing this quote it goes to show that Aaron spends a lot of time planning his actions before executing them which shows he is very organised. I have reflected this in my monologue by using directional hypothesis in his words. â€Å"Tongue will be dealt with† â€Å"lightning will have struck down† by using the word â€Å"will† it is showing his determination in his planning. â€Å"Continues to approach the great Aaron and interfere with his master plans? The rhetorical question used here shows that Aaron’s character is much organised, it is also meant to show the hubris of him as a character as he has referred to him in 3rd person aswell as calling him â€Å"the great† and that his plans are â€Å"master plans.† All of the planning ahead and self belief in his words reflect his arrogant, self confident mind frame. â€Å"Sociopath slays there own children?† I have used these exact words to debate on how a character of such pure evil can contrast to the hero of the play. Titus having slain his son is looked down upon by Aaron, who from my eyes of the play is the sociopath. Me using the word ‘sociopath’ in this way shows that Aaron himself may not know that other people may class him as the sociopath; to him he is just that â€Å"second class citizen.† This could be the reason for his motivation of evil as throughout the play he is known as Aaron the ‘barbarous moor.’ Shakespeare has used stereotypes to Aaron’s skin coulor which suggests he is nothing but a typical evil black man; funnily enough his character reflects this throughout the play. I have used the quote â€Å"However a word may not be possibly used to characterize me† to suggest even Aaron himself does not know what he is; he has a richly complex and ambiguous appeal. In at 2.3 when he tells Tamora â€Å"Blood and revenge are hammering in my head† but does not tell us any specific reason why apart from the war against the Goths and Rome suggests his actions are all evil. When it comes down to children he seems to have an interesting contrast to parenthood compared to Titus. I have foreshadowed Aaron’s kindness to children because later on in the play he himself has a child. â€Å"A child whom will shine in pearl and gold. A child that† this quote is meant to show Aarons desperation to children, this is also the reason why I have mentioned Tamora’s seduction to be on his mind as much as revenge, revenge is his priority yet it makes sense why Tamora could is his second priority. The stage directions used in this monologue is also briefly showing Aaron is up to something, Enter Aaron alone, Aaron digs up a hole and hides the bag of gold, Aaron takes a seat on a shallow tree stump, Enter Tamora alone with Aaron. From these stage directions the structure of them is leading to something inevitable, I have used the stage directions in this effect because Shakespeare uses a lot of stage directions throughout Titus to structure the scene chronologically so it is much more effective. Overall Aaron can be interpreted as this loathsome, diabolical character with an obnoxious attitude. However I ultimately think those who are brought up in a society where being a different coulor is basically illegal influences the way the character undertakes life later on. I think the evil that lurks inside Aaron is innate, and it is there not to inflict pain, but to deliver an act of retribution due to the way he has been treated in early life.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Marketing and Its Importance for Modern Organizations

Marketing and Its Importance for Modern Organizations Modern companies make substantial investments in marketing; in fact, this set of activities is usually essential for their sustainability. This is why it is necessary to define marketing and explain its importance for modern organizations. In my opinion, this term can be understood as every activity that is aimed at creating an extra value for the customers and ensuring that the company’s products or services appeal to the buyers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing and Its Importance for Modern Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is one of the possible explanations of this concept. But there are other definitions. For instance, Julian Gaspar says that marketing is â€Å"the determination of the needs and desires of markets so that products and services can be developed, prices, promoted, and distributed† (2005, p. 276). This interpretation focuses on specific activities that are i nvolved in marketing. Other scholars emphasize the role customers and their needs. For example, Alan Fyall and Brian Garrod argue that marketing consists in determining the needs of target markets or finding ways of satisfying these needs (2005, p. 7). Thus, one can say that this term can be discussed from different perspectives. Overall, these definitions show that marketing plays a vital role in many organizations. First of all, it is important for understanding what clients actually want or what they expect from products or services of companies. This is why a great number of businesses conduct customer surveys in order to determine what kind of things buyers value most of all. For instance, software developers usually encourage users to test their products long before they are released. In this way, they can better users’ needs and eliminate the defects of products. Thus, marketing is essential for increasing customers’ satisfaction. Additionally, marketing is impo rtant for increasing customers’ awareness about their products. Without it, companies can hardly hope for substantial revenues. This is why they develop strategies for spreading the information about their offerings. As a rule, they spend much time determining what kind of media is most suitable for them. For instance, they can choose television, radio, or internet. Their choice may depend on their product or the lifestyles of clients. These examples show that marketing strategies can be effective only if they take into account the behavior of clients.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Furthermore, marketing is important for retaining customers and differentiating the company among its competitors. This task is crucial for retaining strong positions in the market. Therefore, organizations develop different strategies for achieving this goal. For example, some of them attempt to win the clients’ loyalty by setting lower prices for their products or offering some bonuses. However, many organizations pay more attention to the quality of their products or services. For instance, some producers increase the guarantee period while others attempt to customize their products and services. For instance, car manufacturers can design vehicles according to customers’ requirements. This is how they try to appeal to the clients. These activities are aimed gaining the loyalty of clients, and they are closely related to marketing. People, who develop marketing strategies, have to find ways of differentiating their products or services among others. On the whole, these examples demonstrate that marketing is closely related to many activities of a company such as product development, advertisement, after-sales services, pricing and so forth. Moreover, marketing should be based on the in-depth knowledge of customers, products, competitors, an d the industry, in general; otherwise it can hardly achieve its goals. Reference List Fyall, A. Garrod, B. (2005). Tourism Marketing: A Collaborative Approach. New York: Channel View Publications. Gaspar, J. (2005). Introduction to Business. New York: Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Inspirational Quotes About Teacher

Inspirational Quotes About Teacher Do you remember a teacher who inspired you? Do you want to thank that teacher for her or his selfless service? Here is your chance. Pick an inspirational quote for your teacher from this page and send it as a special message for your teacher. Each inspirational quote lauds the efforts of good teachers. Martin HeideggerTeaching is more difficult than learning because what teaching calls for is this: to let learn. The real teacher, in fact, lets nothing else be learned than learning. His conduct, therefore, often produces the impression that we properly learn nothing from him, if by learning we now suddenly understand merely the procurement of useful information.AnonymousIf you can read this, thank a teacher.Albert EinsteinIt is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.John GarrettThe job of a teacher is to excite in the young a boundless sense of curiosity about life, so that the growing child shall come to apprehend it with an excitement tempered by awe and wonder.Edmond H. FischerIt is commonly said that a teacher fails if he has not been surpassed by his students.David E. PriceThe impending teacher shortage is the most critical education issue we will face in the next decade.Malcolm S. ForbesEducations purpose is to replace an empty mind w ith an open one. Morihei UeshibaStudy how water flows in a valley stream, smoothly and freely between the rocks. Also learn from holy books and wise people. Everything even mountains, rivers, plants and trees should be your teacher.Richard BachLearning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers and teachers.Thomas H. HuxleySit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever or whatever abysses nature leads, or you will learn nothing.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Building Relationships Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Building Relationships - Research Paper Example The stakeholders of an educational institute not only include the community of scholars working for the institute but also include those working outside the institute. The better the relationship between the head of the institute and the stakeholders, improved will be the performance of the institute. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the significance of building relationships with stakeholders both within and outside the higher educational institutes. Although there are many stakeholders who contribute in some way or other for the success of an educational institute, but in this paper the focus will be on two main stakeholders with whom the leader must collaborate: faculty and boards. The relationship-building process for the leaders of educational institutes relies on the belief that collaboration is successful only when it is done at both personal and professional levels. Leaders need to build relationships with the faculty members based on mutual interests. They need to identify mutual goals, as well as the ways to accomplish those goals. Leaders need to see things from the faculty’s perspective in order come up with proper solutions regarding emerging or emerged conflicts and issues. Leaders must know the importance establishing friendly relationships with the faculty because when staff will be free of managerial pressure issue, they will show more consistency and dedication to their job responsibilities which will eventually have a positive impact on the overall performance of the students. Positive relationships with teachers enhance their level of job satisfaction (Maele & Houtte, 2012, p. 879). Equality is the first step in the relationship building process with the faculty. Leaders need to consider all faculty members equal so that the chances of discrimination get less as much as possible. Faculty members